Friday, February 5, 2010

What is the point of dog owners using plastic bags for dog droppings if they just fling them into trees ?

Not pleasant trying to get them down without being hit by them when doing a park cleanup.What is the point of dog owners using plastic bags for dog droppings if they just fling them into trees ?
That is horrible!!! These people are just inconsiderate slobs!! I always throw my dogs droppings in a plastic bag and then I throw it in the trash. It amazes me how some people are so inconsiderate, Id hate to see how they do things at home!

It would be Great if you could catch them doing this and confront them for their rude behavior!What is the point of dog owners using plastic bags for dog droppings if they just fling them into trees ?
I totally agree with you, they might as well just leave the poop on the ground than pick it up in a bag and then leave it on the ground, not only do you then have poop laying around but a plastic bag too.

It doesn't take much to carry it and put it in a bin, or if not one nearby take it home with you.

In the country where i walk its lovely and we see the same, they pile the bags up by a gate and the bin is only 20 steps away, that is bone idol and it ruins it for others who do the right thing.
I HATE THAT! when people leave their dogs business in my yard. i have a dog and i pick up its poopy every time if i 4get a bag, if i know the persons yard they pooped in i ask them 4 a bag if i dont know them i run home really quick. but i usually bring one. its most likely everyone should.
Why would they even bother to pick it up only to fling it somewhere else.

And in a plastic bag that will never decompose.
My thoughts exactly, it annoys me when I see them just thrown around, I always take them home or drop them in a litter bin.
They are inconsiderate, irresponsible slobs.

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