Friday, February 5, 2010

What do you do with dog droppings if you don't have an outside trash can?

We live in the city, and don't have an outside trash can, and cannot get one (landlord said not too, the trash pickup comes 2X a week). I have been picking up our puppies poo and bringing it in to put in the inside trash, but then my boyfriend complains that it smells bad. I was thinking that maybe using something like a diaper pail or something might cut down the smell, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions?What do you do with dog droppings if you don't have an outside trash can?
Flush it down the toilet. Use toilet paper to pick up the mess and flush it a little at a time down the toilet. You are not flushing anything that doesn't already go down and your apt. won't smell.What do you do with dog droppings if you don't have an outside trash can?
Put it where every put your trash when it gets full. Simply bag up your poo in a trash bag once it gets full put it out with the rest of your trash when the trash comes?
i suggest to dig a big hole and bury it or bring it in the house and flush it down the toilet.......
leave it there are let it decompose

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