Friday, February 12, 2010

Why does our dog like to eat our rabbit's droppings?

Seriously, she'll follow the bunny around just to catch the poo. I'm just curious; it doesn't seem to hurt her at all, and the bunny doesn't mind. Thanks!Why does our dog like to eat our rabbit's droppings?
My dogs love guinea pig and rabbit poop. I dont know why though.Why does our dog like to eat our rabbit's droppings?
dogs may do this because when female dogs give birth they may eat the poo that surrounds them so it is a safer enviornment for the puppies. so the dog probably learned from their mother.

learned that from the show its me or the dog.

loveee it.

but i dont think that thats healthy for the dog.. so you may want to try to put an end to it.

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