Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My water fountain always visited by birds and have their droppings on it. What will ido?

there is nothing you can do...My water fountain always visited by birds and have their droppings on it. What will ido?
you should just clean it out when you have a chance.My water fountain always visited by birds and have their droppings on it. What will ido?
With every animal, keeping a dish with water filled in it, won't stay clean for long! Droopings, bedding, dust... EVERYTHING, will get into the water! That's why it must be cleaned out once in the morning, and once at night! If it seems like your birds aren't using the fountain, I would recommend that you give them a ';shower'; instead of a ';bath.'; By giving your bird a shower, I mean, spraying them down twice a day, which keeps their feathers looking very nice!

I hope that I helped! Thanks,

~ Cockatiel Lover!
pretty simple just clean it ith a bit of detergent and bleach is good as it will kill germs....then rinse after
First of all it is really good that you are providing a water source for your local wild bird population. In order that your fountain not become a vector for communicable diseases which can affect the birds that visit it, be sure to empty it out regularly and scrub with a dilute bleach solution (1-2%). Rinse it well afterwards and do not use dish soap as it is much harder to get out.
If it is out side, clean it once in a while. If it is inside, clean it daily. Yet if the birds are using it they will leave dropping everywhere, they don't have a specific location to use it! So just clean it off. Spray it down or scrub it with some dawn dish liquid and rinse well, also a plus with the dish soap is it will leave the grass around it very green and bright! Good luck with the fountain!
Rinse the fountain with the hose when it gets dirty and accept the fact that where there are birds, there are droppings.

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