Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Disinfect keyboard from mice droppings?

I woke up this morning and found mice droppings on my keyboard. I picked em up with gloves and paper towels, and i sprayed disinfectant on the keyboard. Im letting it sit for 10 minutes to dry, is that enough to clean the keyboard of the germs?

Thank you.

(And no im not using the keyboard question was asked off a diff comp)Disinfect keyboard from mice droppings?
use a mixtureof boric powder and fitkari or alum dissolved in water, it keeps mice away too!

keep a cat too :DDisinfect keyboard from mice droppings?
I like the ideas of taking the keyboard apart and cleaning, also using the clorox disinfectant wipes. You also need to make sure you get the desk cleaned real well.

As for the mouse problem. We had the same issue a few years ago and we wound up putting peanut butter on the mouse traps and it worked quite well, infact we thought there was only 1-2 mice, and I am not joking when I say that we caught 7 mice in one day! Apparently we had a little mouse party at our house. Anyway, the idea is to get something that they can't carry off real fast, you need somehting sticky that will temp them to stay and eat on it. I've also heard of cheese whiz. Just remember even if you catch one, don't just assume the problem is taken care of.
You have had plenty of advice on sterilising your keyboard. Remember to do that to the desk as well. What advice I would like to give is how to get rid of your mouse. My Mum had mice once in her built in pantry (we discovered they were coming in through a broken ventilation grille). We set traps and no luck, then instead of putting cheese in the traps we put some chocolate (Cadbury's as it happened) and viola - dead mouse. They like sweet things, sugar will work too as we did that the second day and caught another one.
Every six months I take my keyboard apart.. One letter at a time... and I give em a soak.. In a mild dishsoap/water.. Dry them and replace them...

Or you can get a cotton swab and rub a bit of alcohol on the keypads.. Just don't get it too wet or the keyboard won't work....

I've also used disenfectant wipes...

I think you should be ok...
That should do it. The keybd should work as long as you didn't get it _too_ wet with the disinfectant.

You make is sound like it's normal to have mice running about the place sh*tting on your stuff, do you live in a dumpster?
WHAT? wow, do you have many mice there?

Well I'd say do that, but also use those clorox bleach disinfectant wipes....
try putting peanut butter in your traps.

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