Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Do you know of any evidence, science, or proof for goose droppings repelling or injuring snakes?

In Taiwan, they say keeping one or more geese will repel snakes. In fact, they say that the snakes do not like the smell of their droppings, and that if the snakes slither over a goose dropping, its skin may become injured by an infection received from the dropping.

However, I have searched online and have found nothing to support such folklore. Do you have any evidence for this, either pro or con?Do you know of any evidence, science, or proof for goose droppings repelling or injuring snakes?
Not sure about the droppings bit....but Geese are great foragers and a snake would make a tasty meal.

Possibly the smell of droppings awakes a genetic memory about getting their heads pecked off

Would anybody object to me advising Hugh Jarse to keep his thoughts to his school playground until such time as he reaches, and successfully passes, puberty.

Go on then you puerile little **** what are you going to do ...I will know if it is youDo you know of any evidence, science, or proof for goose droppings repelling or injuring snakes?
i was shagging this bird near a pond in some long grass %26amp; we changed positions %26amp; i lay back in some goose s**t.......funnily enuff my snake just repelled %26amp; went yes there is truth %26amp; thats my

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