Friday, February 5, 2010

I stored some items in storage recently I went to check on my items I found rotten droppings. Can the storage?

place be responsible for any damages and stain?I stored some items in storage recently I went to check on my items I found rotten droppings. Can the storage?
There is almost no way that you can prove that the damages and stains were caused while the items were in storage. Moreover, when I had my storage unit, there was a hold harmless clause which precluded the owners from any damages or any kind sustained to my items while stored at their facility. That is why storage places sell insurance.I stored some items in storage recently I went to check on my items I found rotten droppings. Can the storage?
Perhaps a more reputable storage unit business will accept liability for damaged items; however, most do not. Check your contract. Also check with your household items insurance, if you have it. The policy generally covers things stored places other than in your home. It is usually 10% of the value of your household items insurance. Mine was covered by my insurance when I lost over $5,000 in storage items when the place caught on fire. Also, you can claim over the amount you are allow, but they will only cover up to the 10% or whatever is designated by your insurance policy. You can claim the remainder on income tax. ..or you could at the time I lost my items. If you haven't any insurance, see if you can still claim the loss on taxes. You will need the dollar value of your items and/or replacement value for either option. Take pictures.
Yes they sure can be responsible as they are watching your items for you and you have a contract with them so yes they are responsible for having a clean safe storage place Good Luck !
What's a rotten? And what does it eat to make droppings?
read your contract but its doubtful. what are rotten droppings?

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