Friday, February 5, 2010

How sick can a person get from ingesting mouse droppings, or from infected water?

I was extremely sick for one day, severe headache, stomach pain, body aches and pains. Then we found mouse droppings in some kitchen cupboards, and on the counter. I also leave water standing in my glass on the counter, and drink it later. Could this have made me sick?How sick can a person get from ingesting mouse droppings, or from infected water?
Mouse droppings are very poisonous. It may very well be that you got sick, if you ingested them.How sick can a person get from ingesting mouse droppings, or from infected water?
I can't remember the name, but there is a disease they rodents can spread through their droppings and it can be fatal. I don't want to scare youm but it is true.

Place baits or mouse traps around, thoroughly disinfect all areas where they have been, clean up after then. Get a cat if need be.

Your glass of water on the counter - unlikely for contamination, unless the mice had access to it in someway.
ew, of course that is why u feel sick...never leave water standing and ur food too...! and after that what can i say, im only 13..ha ha!

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