Friday, February 5, 2010

How do I get rid of pigeons and their droppings from my terrace? I have been made a prisoner in my home!?

I do not want to kill the birds; just keep them away from my terrace. What kinds of chemicals or other things can I use to keep them away?How do I get rid of pigeons and their droppings from my terrace? I have been made a prisoner in my home!?
If you go to a video rental store or a place like Best Buy or Circut City, you can pick up those ';Free AOL'; CDs. To make it a little more appeling, I made mine into a mobile. I took 12 CDs and placed them front-to-front so the reflective serface is easily seen and used super glue to hold them together. I used two for the top of the mobile as a ';balance'; and drilled 5 holes semi-equally spaced apart. Using fishing reel line, I tied a knot in the top with a washer and hung the two CDs (remember, reflective surface out) from each line.

This is a really good project that recycles those unwanted CDs, AND keeps the birds away, but kids can help as well by adding ribbons and other embelishments. You can get rolls of shiny, glitter-style ribbon that can wonderfully accent your ';art piece';. Place it in the sun- as it moves, the lights will scare the birds away. I have three of these hanging from my porch.

Another thing to use is a vinager scrub. This will take off the poo, and the birds do not like the smell if it is strong enough. If you just want them to stay away from the porch, this works wonders.

You can also make a tea of lemon balm and garlic chives. The lemon and garlic is not well loved by birds, or most insects for that matter. Spray it around the greens of the porch, and it can also be used in the garden to drive away mice, birds and insects that can damage crops. You need to re-apply after every rain, or at least twice a week.

Plastic owls work fine, as well- but the best ones are the ones that have a sort of bobble-head. They look more real to birds, and it seems they are always looking around. However, it does get hilarious on a windy day when watching the head spin like it needs an exorsism :), if you like that kind of entertainment.

These options are very Earth-freindly. Good luck!How do I get rid of pigeons and their droppings from my terrace? I have been made a prisoner in my home!?
Try buying a fake owl and putting it out on the terrace.
Yah its not a good thing to kill them... what I would do is make a pidgeon home and put it somewhere where you dont mind them being on your property.Or put a few fake owls on your house.
hey u might wanna try building scare crows and then put them in ur yrad. no fake owls like that chick said it is inpossible for a pigeon to be scared of an owel because there only seen in the night i have a fake owl by my garden but birds sit right on it so try the scar crow
ppl say that CDs hanging in the air can ward them off or black silhouettes of birds of prey flying (here they are mounted on large glass windows of tall buildings to prevent birds from colliding) you cant install some kind of mesh or screen something to keep insects and birds out, can u? i did. black mesh is better 4 it is next to invisible. good luck, pigeons are obnoxius and carry mites
Check the yellow pages for a bird control company. We paid one about $200 to come out and install wires on the roof braces where the pigeons were roosting. Now they can't get in (it's like a little fence) and they've moved their nests elsewhere. No chemicals required.
First you must find the nest and rid it. Remove all food(human), seeds, from your area. They will not roost on a slope, only complete horizontal areas. Hang up size pie pans to reflect light and sound to scare them off. Cleaning must be through, as their excrement is corrosive, poses health problems to respiratory system and can lead to histoplasmosis. If anything contact the city for help in removing the pigeons.

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