Friday, February 5, 2010

Can I start my compost pile where the ground is covered with pine tree droppings?

One of the best places because the needles hold in moisture, which is needed for proper fermentation. Make sure you water occasionally and maybe use some 21/0/0, or sulfate of ammonia to speed the ';break-down'; process. Good luck!

P.S. Sun and a black tarp helps too.Can I start my compost pile where the ground is covered with pine tree droppings?
You can start the pile on top of pine tree droppings but I would make the droppings a very small percentage of the overall compost pile if you want to use it in the relatively near future because they take a long time to decompose.Can I start my compost pile where the ground is covered with pine tree droppings?
I would get rid of the needles first, they don't decompose, or it takes many years.

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