Friday, February 5, 2010

Newspapers for animal droppings harder to find?

I was wondering if anybody else is having this problem.Newspapers for animal droppings harder to find?
Its a sign that it is time to housebreak your dog.Newspapers for animal droppings harder to find?
I get my newspapers delivered everyday, so I have no trouble finding it


ADD: You can get big quantities of newspaper from newsagencies, they throw out the newspapers they dont sell (they cut the date off, send it back to the makers of the newspaper, and they get their money back), so just approach your local newsagent and ask what they do with theirs, most of the time you dont have to pay for it, but there are some greedy newsagents that make you

Use puppy pads. They are cleaner and don't drip through on the floor. They also are very inexpensive.

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