Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it safe to handle hamster and mouse droppings when pregnant?

Ive just found out Im expecting and have a pet hamster which I usually clean out. Is it safe to continue doing so and also we have had a mouse infestation which needs to be cleaned up too (the mice are dead now). Does anyone know how long toxoplasmosis lives in their droppings. thanksIs it safe to handle hamster and mouse droppings when pregnant?
When I was working before I moved, i worked at a Pet store and was advised by my doctor to not handle any kind of feces of any animals because of the baterica that are in them. If you do need to clean it because there is no one else, you should wear gloves and a mask to protect you from inhaling anything. Hope this helpsIs it safe to handle hamster and mouse droppings when pregnant?
As far as I know, toxoplasmosis does not live in mouse droppings. It lives within the mouse if the mouse has ingested cat feces.

If I understand correctly, it's cats and their droppings you should be worried about. Toxoplasmosis can only go through a certain stage (I believe it is the oocyst stage) in the cats bowels. and ONLY in the cat's bowels. Only cats can shed the parasite, but it can be transferred to any other living creature if they ingest cat feces or traces of it.

Toxoplasmosis is a very hardy parasite and lasts a looong time. Up to several months even in extreme temperatures and dehydration. It can be found in raw meat, unwashed vegetables, soil or places where cats frequent. My suggestion is to wash your hands often and avoid touching your mouth after handling things. Avoid contact with cats and cat litter. I wouldn't worry too much about getting infected, but just to be safe, talk to your doctor about the mouse infestation and get his or her opinion on it.
you really should pass that chore off to someone else. toxoplasmosis can survive up to a week. but if the cage is cleaned every day it wont get a chance. it needs about 24 hours to become acctivated outside the body.

but there are other bacterias present and your skin will become more ensitve. you could devolp a rash from handling it.

most likely you would be fine. but use this to your advantage and pass it on to someone else to clean!!
I don't think it would be good. If there is no one else to do the dirty work, then use latex gloves and boil your hands after, ok, I'm exagerating, but even after using gloves, do wash your hands very well after the task.
no it is not we bought a rat when i was pregnant and the pet shop lady told me not to handle it or clean out the dropping as it can pass on some sort of thing to you. so no no no no don't touch the mouse droppings
I dont know for sure but i think you will be safer to get someone else clean your hamster!

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