Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it possible for a human to contract tapeworm from there pets fleas and flea droppings?

or can only dogs and cats get it from there fleas?Is it possible for a human to contract tapeworm from there pets fleas and flea droppings?
The dog version of tapeworms is transmitted to humans by fleas. (there are also other versions of tapeworms humans can get from undercooked meat and livestock feces)

Most people do not display any symptoms but those who do exhibit any or all of the following: Nausea, Weakness, Loss of appetite, Abdominal pain, Diarrhea, Weight lossIs it possible for a human to contract tapeworm from there pets fleas and flea droppings?
Your pets get tapeworms from swallowing a flea that is carrying the tapeworm egg, you can not get it from the litter box or from handling your pet, You have to swallow a flea to get tapeworms, so as long as you don't swallow a flea, you are safe from getting tapeworms.

Edit: You can get roundworms and hookworms from handling the poop or pet, but not tapeworms ~ you have to swallow the flea to get them
Yes, you can get tapeworm from your pets fleas and from not properly washing your hands after cleaning out the litter box or scooping dog poo.

First, get a good and safe flea dip for a dog and a good spot on flea killer for the cat (one made specifically for cats - a dog flea killer will also kill the cat). There are even specific flea killers for kittens over 12 weeks of age.

Then clean your home very well, vacuuming. Put down a non-toxic to pets flea killer in any carpet, on mattresses, etc. Best to keep cats out of these areas if at all possible.

Then, within a day, re-vacuum everywhere.

It may take a few applications, but sooner or later, the fleas will be gone.

If you live in an area that doesn't freeze hard during winter, you may have an on-going flea problem.

ALWAYS wash your hands very well after handling kitty litter or dog poo, even just scooping.

Don't get rid of the pets, they need your love, just get rid of the fleas.
its possible for the dogs to give it to you i think..
Yes, it is possible. However, it is extremely rare. Dog and cat tapeworms require an intermediate host, the flea, in order to reproduce. The ONLY way to contract dog or cat tapeworms is to ingest a flea that is carrying a larval tapeworm. You can not get tapeworms from flea droppings or from pet droppings.
The only way to get tapeworms from a flea is to eat a flea carrying tapeworm larvae. It is possible, by highly unlikely. Dogs/cats accidentally ingest a flea while biting on themselves to scratch an itch, then getting the flea in their mouth. Not as likely with a person. You can't get them by touching feces, or even eating the egg case that comes out of the dog. Fleas or lice eat the egg casing in the dog/cats feces, then they carry the larval stage,,,dog eats flea and when it is digested, the larvae is released. This is the most common kind of tapeworm.

There are other types of tapeworms that animals and people get, but they are contracted by eating raw or undercooked meat that is infected with tapeworm larvae. This kind is not common.

If there are symptoms (not alway any at all) they include abdominal pain,diarrhea,loss of appetite, stomach cramps and so on.
Well dogs usually get tapeworms by (this might be a little digusting) eating or licking wild animal poop because if a wild animal has tapeworms the tapeworm will constantly reproduce and some of the eggs will go to the animals waste.
You hvae to eat the flea that is carrying the tapeworm egg.
From the fleas yes, not the flea droppings. The tapeworms cysts (eggs) live in the flea, and tapeworm is contracted when the flea is accidentally ingested. The usually happens when animals are grooming themselves - you should be fairly safe!

If you have a pet with worms, probably not a good idea to give said pet kisses for a while! Other than that, tapeworms aren't hard to avoid, it's just basic hygiene really i.e not putting your fingers in your mouth til you've washed your hands properly. I've been around wormy and fleay animals a few years now and not contracted worms yet.

Symptoms would be diarrhoea and a general uncomfortable, perhaps even bloated stomach. You can buy human dewormers from chemists if you're worried, but really just keep your pets regularly dewormed and defleaed (with veterinary treatments) and there shouldn't be a problem.


EDIT: Yes you can get tapeworms from animal droppings but again - just wash your hands, and don't eat poo! :-)
humans can be bitten by fleas but they wont stay on humans....they will only bite once and they wont like it so they jump off.....and yes you can get tapeworms from pets but its not that easy but you need to have the pet treated right away if they have it! and if you have any other animals in the house get them checked out just in case.....humans cant get tapeworms from fleas or flea droppings but if the cat or dog does have tapeworms then yes they can pass it on to you or any other animals in that house......if it is a cat with that then the littler should be changed and the dishes should be washed....hope i could help

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