Friday, February 5, 2010

Can you get sick from handling chickens or their droppings?

My mom just got some chickens and baby chicks a few weeks ago and she has been sick as a dog. She has been lethargic, she has nausea, she's been throwing up, and has diarrhea. Anytime she feels the slightest bit better she'll get up and do something but then its boom right back in bed throwing up again. This has been going on for about a week or so. I'm wondering if she could have picked up something from the chickens or baby chicks.Can you get sick from handling chickens or their droppings?
Most likely the illness is just coincidental to the timing of getting the chickens. I have had chickens and other poultry for more than 20 years, and I have never been sick from anything I caught from them. It is true that they can carry salmonella and other diseases, but if you wash your hands after handling them, that's not an issue. You can get the flu or other digestive problems with or without chickens. It's probable that your mom caught some stomach bug that is unrelated to the chickens. However, since it's been going on for a week, it's probably time for her to call the doctor and see what the doctor recommends. At the very least, make sure she drinks plenty of liquids so she stays hydrated. But I doubt that the chickens are to blame.Can you get sick from handling chickens or their droppings?
there are bacteria ,but they are everywhere. how about mosquito bites ,don't let the litter dry out completely or it will dust the air and your lungs.but not soaking wet either. there is an eye infection you can get from a protozoan that lives in poop ,but it takes decades to develop .
Salmonellae is a concern if she didn't wash her hands after handling them. Psittacosis is your only other even somewhat realistic concern, but it's still a stretch. Make sure she doesn't get dehydrated and go to you doctor if it continues.

She probably just has the flu (regular flu).
She may be allergic. You can contract illnesses from chickens, I would suggest going to the doctor. She could have anything from salmonella to coccidiosis. To me her symptoms sound like the latter. Go to a doctor, it can get serious.
its very likely that she may have gotten something from the chickens and definitely from their droppings ... what are bird flu symptoms?
yeh there are plenty of things you can catch, especially if they havent got any shots.. she should go to the doctor anyway... :)
no baby chicks dont carry diseases
Salmonella, bird flu.

She should go to a doctor as soon as she can.
yes,u can get worms inside u
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