Friday, February 5, 2010

I found mouse droppings in a bushel of apples stored in our basement. Can we clean them or should we toss?

I don't want to have to throw out the entire basket of apples but if there is no good way to disinfect them I don't want to risk it and use them either. We planned on boiling the apples to use for applesauce.I found mouse droppings in a bushel of apples stored in our basement. Can we clean them or should we toss?
You're going to wash the apples and then peel them anyway before you use them for applesauce, so that will take care of the problem. Fill the sink with some soapy water (use dish soap) and wash off the apples, then rinse them well before peeling. No need to chuck a whole basket of good fruit just because of a few mouse turds.

Fruits and vegetables should always be washed before eating, because you really have no idea how many bugs and critters have pooped on them while they were still on the tree or in the garden.I found mouse droppings in a bushel of apples stored in our basement. Can we clean them or should we toss?
As gross as it sounds, Mouse terds won't kill you. I'm not suggesting that you eat them, but certainly you can wash the apples or anything else and go ahead and use them. You will probably take off the skins when you make the apple sauce, so the part that the mouse terds MIGHT have been touching won't even be in the part you eat.
i would toss them because germs might still be on the apples even though you wash them . and could you eat the apples or apple sauce if you knew there once was mouse droppings on them?!
Definitely discard them. Droppings are the waste of a mouse which can contain anything that if it would get inside of your body could harm you. SO THROW IT AWAY
just chuck them to be safe... or get debbie green bags or whatever the hell they're called

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