Friday, February 5, 2010

How will you deal with the mouse droppings in ?

your xmas decoration and tree boxes, when they make their annual return from the loft to your living room?How will you deal with the mouse droppings in ?
You too huh? One must have been tiny because it made a tinsel nest in a tiny church ornament.

I just very gingerly got everything out incase there was still one in there. Eek!How will you deal with the mouse droppings in ?
I would think it would be best to remove them. The best time to remove them is prior to bringing the boxes and decorations into the house. Since mouse droppings can carry the hantavirus and other viruses that are extremely dangerous to humans, you must wear a dust respirator when cleaning up the droppings and thoroughly wash your hands afterward. I would also consider finding a better place to store the Christmas decorations in the future or get rid of the rodent problem in your loft.
Either throw it all away or spray it down with mint alcohol . You do not want to breath in the dust from that .

And I have read that mint deters mice .

The alcohol will disinfect to a point.

The house I rented was empty for a while and had mice . Now I have cats and no mice.
Not gonna happen, hope it doesn't happen to you either, but if it does you could always squish them into a cube shape and make them out to be dope, let someone stupid enough to smoke that sh!t actually try to smoke that sh!t!
Ewwww. Store your decorations in air-tight containers that mice cannot get in. P.S. Those could be bat droppings, too.
Call Ghost Busters business is slow for them this time of year: 800-777-6666 Ask for Dave and tell them Felix sent you !! ::)) LoL
Prepare some cheese and crackers for them and a little chocolate for dessert

Get some nice inscence like nag champa. The poo smell will be gone.

Obviously this isn't a permanent fix, but if its just a problem during the Christmas period it will be a good cover up
shake the boxes 1st, take out the stuff 2nd, and vacuum up the mess 3rd, then wipe down with a wet rag 4th
I have a resident exterminator. If it was a problem, my lucky black cat would take care of it for me.
Set traps or put out decon. but if you have cats or dogs they might eat the poison. Or get some cat's.
You have mice in your house?

You must be poor.
I will be very fat!
poison or lock myself in d bedroom!
I don't! There aren't any mice in my loft! x
set rat traps
I think I would have to throw it all out and buy new stuff. Luckily, that's never happened to me.
bring home a fat cat!

We never had mice.

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